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UNASO: Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organisations

The Uganda Network of AIDS Service Organizations (UNASO) was established as a membership organization in 1996 in order to provide a platform for coordination, networking resource mobilization and information sharing among civil society AIDS service organizations (ASOs) so as to improve on the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of their contribution to the national response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic. UNASO members include PHA groups, local Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Faith Based organizations (FBOs), Community Based organizations (CBOs), Cultural institutions and international NGOs. To date, UNASO’s membership stands at over 2000 organisations with the CBOs and NGOs constituting 60% and 26% of the registered organizations respectively.

“A Ugandan society free of HIV and AIDS and its impact.”

“A Ugandan society free of HIV and AIDS and its impact.”

Mission Statement
“To provide leadership to ASOs for collective response to HIV and AIDS through effective representation, coordination and enhanced capacities.”

UNASO 5 year Strategic Plan 2012-2017 stipulates the following objectives;

  • Institutional capacity of UNASO and its membership to contribute (deliver its mandate) to the national response improved by 2017
  • Capacity of UNASO to coordinate, network and strengthen partnerships among ASOs and other actors for effective HIV and AIDS response enhanced by 2017
  • Enabling and supportive environment for quality HIV and AIDS service delivery promoted by 2017
  • Coordination and management of strategic information for HIV and AIDS response among ASOs improved by 2017

Core Programme Areas

Institutional Capacity Building: In order o implement its mandate and the additional responsibilities given to it by UAC and the SCEs, UNASO develops both its own institutional capacity and the ones of its member ASOs and communities to enable them perform their functions and meet their set objectives effectively and efficiently.

“To provide leadership to ASOs for collective response to HIV and AIDS through effective representation, coordination and enhanced capacities.”

UNASO 5 year Strategic Plan 2012-2017 stipulates the following objectives;

Institutional capacity of UNASO and its membership to contribute (deliver its mandate) to the national response improved by 2017
Capacity of UNASO to coordinate, network and strengthen partnerships among ASOs and other actors for effective HIV and AIDS response enhanced by 2017
Enabling and supportive environment for quality HIV and AIDS service delivery promoted by 2017
Coordination and management of strategic information for HIV and AIDS response among ASOs improved by 2017
Core Programme Areas

Institutional Capacity Building: In order o implement its mandate and the additional responsibilities given to it by UAC and the SCEs, UNASO develops both its own institutional capacity and the ones of its member ASOs and communities to enable them perform their functions and meet their set objectives effectively and efficiently.

Coordination, Networking and Partnerships: In addition to being a membership organization with a Secretariat for coordinating all ASOs, UNASO also acts as the secretariat of the SCE-National NGOs and for Civil Society Inter-Coordination Committee which is the forum for the 8 civil society related SCEs. UNASO coordinates the national NGOs and link them with government, development partners and private sector in order to ensure that appropriate policies, programmes, strategies and guidelines are in place and adequate resources are allocated, utilized and accounted for appropriately at both national and district levels. Advocacy: This programme area focuses on advocating for enabling and supportive environment for quality HIV and AIDS service delivery. UNASO builds the capacity of its district networks and ASOs so that they can collaboratively hold the duty bearers accountable for respecting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of the population especially in relation to HIV&AIDS by ensuring that government adopts and implements appropriate legal policies, national laws, institutions and processes. Strategic Information Management: UNASO takes leadership of CSOs in gathering and sharing information from domestic and international research efforts so that ASOs are able to access strategic information that is particularly relevant for HIV and AIDS response and benefit from such new knowledge so that they remain relevant to the response and UNASO to remain relevant to the members.

Guiding Principles
The principles that will guide in the successful implementation of this strategic plan by all the relevant stakeholders are highlighted below.

  • Greater involvement of civil society actors
  • Greater and meaningful involvement of people living with HIV
  • Accountability.
  • Non partisan
  • Non-ethnicity
  • Non-religious based
  • Non-discrimination

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Contact info

Plot # 595, Themi Nanenane, Njiro Road P.O. Box 6187 -23109 Arusha, Tanzania
Opening Hours:

Mon – Thur: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Fri: 8:30am to 2:00pm

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