Rwanda NGO Forum on AIDS and Health Promotion is a network of NGO (Local, National and International NGOs) decentralized up to district level. This Forum gathers 158 NGO members (international and National). It is also member of Rwanda Civil Society Plate form at National level, Eastern Africa National Network on AIDS Service Organization (EANNASO), African Council on AIDS Service organization (AFRICASO) and International Council on AIDS Service Organization (ICASO) at international level.
It was created since 1999. Its mission was created by the members to promote, coordinate, monitor and evaluate activities of NGOs engaged in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Rwanda, Networking and advocacy for civil society involvement in all HIV/AIDS program and policy development in order to improve the living conditions of the affected communities In 2004, Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS developed its first 5 year strategic plan (2004-2008) according to the 2002-2006 National Multi-sectors Plan against AIDS. In 2005, the National AIDS Control Commission reviewed the Multi-sectors National Plan against AIDS (2002-2006) to develop National AIDS Strategic Plan (2005-2009) under revision, now 2009-2012.
From 2004 to 2008, the number of Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS members increased from 86 ONGs to 160 ONGs in 2008. In order to improve NGO response to HIV/AIDS, Rwanda NGOs Forum on HIV/AIDS as a coordination structure reviewed its mission in 2007 and abandoned the implementation of activities to concentrate more its efforts on coordination, advocacy, networking, capacity building of NGOs member, planning, monitoring & evaluation of NGOs Forum members interventions.
Since 2007, consolidated annual action plans and annual reports for all NGO Forum members produced. The consolidation of Rwanda NGO Forum members’ plan of action was an occasion to note inequalities in the geographic and vulnerable group’s coverage and the duplication of interventions by NGO members in the same districts.