Anglophone Africa Learning Hub (AALH)

The Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations (EANNASO) is a regional umbrella body bringing together civil society (CS) and community group (CG) voices to inform policies and improve the programming of HIV, TB, Malaria and other health issues present in the communities.

EANNASO is the current host of the Anglophone Africa learning Hub, which seeks to share timely and relevant information, to develop tools, and to provide technical support to promote the inclusion of CRG in HIV, TB, and malaria programs of the Global Fund in the region.

The work of EANNASO as the Learning Hub

Is guided by four objectives:

To enhance Community Knowledge of the Global Fund and its processes, through the regular dissemination of targeted information to a diverse audience
To strengthen the coordination of Community Engagement in national and regional Global Fund grants and related processes, making it more efficient and effective
To support strategic community capacity development by fostering spaces for peer learning and exchange and supporting community skills building.
To improve community access to technical assistance through information – sharing and strengthening TA provider capacity and coordination.


The Community Engagement Technical Assistance (CE TA) program is created to help civil society and community organisations and networks make sure that barriers related to community engagement, human rights, and gender equity are addressed by Global Fund grants that are being implemented from January 2024 to December 2026 through technical assistance (TA) programs.

To apply, you need to download the application form by visiting Tools / CE Technical Assistance Request Form

  • Key population networks and organisations
  • Youth-led networks and organisations
  • Women’s networks and organisations
  • Networks or organisations of people living with HIV or affected by tuberculosis or
  • Civil society networks or organisations led by or working with other affected communities (e.g.
    migrants, refugees, miners)
  • Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) and Regional Coordination Mechanisms (RCMs) but only if they are developed and submitted in collaboration with the above stakeholders

You can now access CRG TA at any stage of the grant within the 2024-2026 Funding Cycle, including
during grant implementation and program review. The program also supports community engagement
in sustainability and transition planning (STC) or other Global Fund processes like National Strategic Plan (NSP) development.

  • Situational analysis and needs assessments
  •  Engagement in the country dialogue processes
  •  Supporting design and implementation arrangements

The CRG TA CANNOT support CCM strengthening, long-term capacity development of civil society
networks and organisations, development of stand-alone tools that lack focus on community
engagement, and Funding Request writing

The CRG Department at the Global Fund Secretariat has pre-approved 26 TA providers who can deliver
the TA. While the TA provider may not be from the region, in most cases (if appropriate) an Anglophone
Africa provider will be sourced. You can ask for a specific provider in your application from the list of TA
providers in Anglophone Africa but the CRG Department takes the final decision


For assistance, please contact the Anglophone Africa Learning Hub using the provided addresses and we will be happy to support you.


Contact info

Plot # 595, Themi Nanenane, Njiro Road P.O. Box 6187 -23109 Arusha, Tanzania
Opening Hours:

Mon – Thur: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Fri: 8:30am to 2:00pm

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